piątek, 31 marca 2017

Berlin Schönefeld Airport

As my previous post was about the best airport in the world, in this one I want to write about the worst airport on the globe and actually, I've had some opportunities to be over there. I mean Berlin Schönefeld which is a tiny airport on the suburbs of the capital city of Germany. According to a survey released by travel website eDreams, the average traveller is much happier wallowing in the horror that is the airport experience of 2017.They prefer the endless array of designer shops at Tel  Aviv’s Ben Gurion to Schönefeld’s two newsagents. They’d rather have the fine dining and cushy chairs of Dallas airport than the choice between Burger King and an Irish pub offered in southern Berlin. For these reasons, respondents rated Schönefeld the worst airport in the world in the survey, giving it a score of 3.17 out of 5 and I fully agree. I would add that toilets are just awful. They are smelly, dirty, there's often no soap and hand driers dont even work.
I'd like to keep away from this airport but unfortunately, it's not possible in my case because I often travel from Copenhagen to Berlin and then to Poznan :)

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